Continuing from where I left on the last blog, about the nature that I viewed from a train, Lotus which is our national flower will soon become extinct, if we pretend to be ignorant.

The land of thousand lakes as Lord Cornwallis referred Bangalore many years ago; is today facing encroachments from the land and water mafias. Many of them are being exploited by the ever increasing population and the expanding city which is grabbing a large share of villages in the nearby areas.
Having spent long years living near the Madivala Lake; I had viewed only one side of the lake all this while. Taking a trip around the lake will trigger shock waves into your nerves giving you insight into the aching realities of lakes in Bangalore. Madivala; one of the largest lakes which house many pelican birds during the winter is facing risk from the sewage.
- Sewage Canal Behind the Madivala Lake – Bilekahalli Area
Every a time, when the insurgent citizens hit the road, the government undertakes remedial measures to eye wash the common man. In 2006 the Madivala Lake was fenced, cleaned up and a beautiful park was erected for the civilians; however the other side of the lake remains dirty with sewage water dumped into it. I reminiscence the days spent with friends besides this lake and urge the government to protect it by all means.

Fisher folk, Dhobis, Agriculture, and Harvesting of lotus are some of the livelihoods that are dependent on access to lakes.
While Madivala Lake was rejuvenated sometime back; nothing has been done to protect the Arekere Lake. While passing through Are-kere it stinks sewage and the plight of the people living in high raises in the locality is pathetic.
A similar threat poses the Hulimavu Lake too. The surroundings of the Hulimavu have already been occupied by builders and multi storey apartments costing more than a crore for an apartment has already come up.
While on the other side, it’s comforting to see the citizens of HSR Layout cleaning up the Agara Lake. Read more
I too Brutus,
Have done nothing.
Please forgive me,
For I have plucked you off your root;
Once for a little one;
Oh my little Lotus,
Did you curse me then?
Nature’s agony now shower
Like an Himalayan Tsunami
You act not soon!
It shall become another unabated fable;
A lake fable.
If we cannot protect the nature, can we ever live on the top floor of a luxurious apartment?